A first grade take on school
This blog post was dictated to me by C, a first grader at Oakland LEARN.
The school is really great!
Every Tuesday we have cooking class. It’s one of my favorite classes, along with Pathfinder which is kind of a class. We cook a lot of things, going back and forth between savory and sweet. It’s really awesome.
The school has Pathfinder games with me and V every Wednesday, if we earn 2 points that day. You earn points by doing academic work and you get three bonus points at the end of the day if you followed the rules all day. Points can also be spent on whatever is on the wishlist at the time. There are toys on the wishlist as well as some other stuff. Sometimes it’s really silly like Kelsey coming to school in a hoop skirt so that we can crawl under it. If it’s something that we need to buy for the school, then Bard buys it and the ratio of points to money is one point is 25 cents. We’ve bought things like a toy chainsaw and the Pathfinder core rulebook so that we could play Pathfinder and a chess set because we wanted to play chess at the school, and Scrabble.
Pathfinder is really fun so I always work on earning two points on Wednesday. My character is an elf wizard with the same name as me. I forget how many sessions of Pathfinder we’ve done, but it’s really fun.
Thursday is my least favorite day because we have classes that are BORING to me. But this school lets you stay in the playroom instead of doing boring classes, so that’s what I always do.
Every Friday, the school has civics class, storytelling class, and Peets. In storytelling class, we tell stories. In civics class we talk about civics. Peets is a coffee shop where we get a lot of sweet things. We each get a four dollar allowance (but one time we got an extra dollar because we were GREAT in civics class).